Datguddiwyd dirgelion i maes Dirgelion cuddiedig i'r byd, Meddyliau trugaredd a gras, I'r penaf bechadur i gyd, A gloed mewn addewid sy gref, Na welir fyth fythoedd ei hail, O ddyfnder y ddaear i'r nef, Mor gywir, mor sicr, ei sail. Fe'm boddwyd mewn syndod yn lân Wrth chwilio eu natur i maes; 'Does angel na seraph a gân Am ddyfnder anorphen ei ras: Pwy bwysa'i ddioddefaint ar bren? Pwy bwysa lawn haeddiant ei loes? Tra tafod yn chwareu'n fy mhen Mi ganaf am gongcwest ei groes. Yr anrhydedd, y gallu, a'r clod, Y moliant, y parch, yn gytun, O'r nefoedd i'r ddaear gaiff fod Yn gyfan i'm Harglwydd ei hun: Aed sôn am dy haeddiant trwy'r byd, Yr adsain fo'n llanw pob lle; Helaethed dy deyrnas o hyd, Nes myned yn addfed i'r ne'. ['R anrhydedd, a'r gallu, a'r clod, Y moliant a'r parch yn gyttûn, O'r nefoedd i'r ddaear gaiff fod Yn gyfan i'm Harglwydd ei hun; Aed swn dy farwolaeth i maes, O'r dwyrain liosog i'r de; Helaethed terfynau dy ras Mor bell ag y cyrhaedd y ne'.] Aed ein Haleluiah ni i'r làn, Trwy'r awyr anfeidrol ei maint; Cymmysged caniadau rhai gwan, A thyrfa lïosog o saint: Ni gawsom gàn cymmaint â'r byd, Càn cymmaint drachefn â hyn, Càn cymmaint â'r nefoedd i gyd, Brydnawn-gwaith ar Galfari fryn.William Williams 1717-91
Tonau [8888D]: gwelir: Mae yno Dri Pherson yn bod Wrth gofio'i riddfannau'n yr ardd |
A mystery was disclosed openly A mystery hidden to the world, Thoughts of mercy and grace, To the chief of all sinners, Which was sealed in a promise which is strong, Never ever to be seen is its equal, From the depth of the earth to heaven, So true, so sure its foundation. I was drowned in surprise totally Searching out their nature; No angel nor seraph shall sing Of the endless depth of his grace: Who will weigh his suffering on a tree? Who will weigh the full merit of his anguish? While a tongue plays in my head I will sing of the conquest of the cross. The honour, the power, and the acclaim, The praise, the reverence, in agreement, From heaven to the earth shall get to be Wholly to my Lord himself: Let the sound of thy merit go through the world, The echo be flooding every place; Let thy kingdom extend always, Until going ripe to heaven. [The honour, and the power, and the acclaim, The praise and the reverece in agreement, From heaven to the earth get to be Wholly to my Lord himself; Let the sound of thy greatness go out, From the east, multitudinous to the south; Let it extend the boundaries of thy grace So far as to reach heaven.] Let our Hallelujahs go up, Through the sky of infinite extent; Let the songs of the weak ones mix With the numerous throng of saints: We will get a hundred times as much as the world, A hundred times as much back as this, A hundred times as much as all the heavens, The afternoon-work on Calvary hill.tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion |